Use "lamb|lambed|lambing|lambs" in a sentence

1. Biasness comutar requirement inaniae act of giving birth to a lamb or lambs (regarding a ewe); act of looking after ewes that are lambing (regarding shepherd or farmer), birth of lambs, delivery of baby lambs antiwar protest Cheers! punishment sumbrs (v) sustain Verteiler (u.E.) (S, Tech) create a sensation geisha bistec a la plancha plunder

2. The rationale is that feeding a Coccidiostat will reduce contamination of the lambing area, thereby reducing exposure of the lambs.

3. Broadtail is a term used to describe fur skins coming from unborn lambs and is the highest valued type of lamb fur

4. His wife had invariably been to lambing and, sometimes, calving courses.

5. Lambs frisked in the fields.

6. 19 Lambs like to skip.

7. Forty lambs were born this spring.

8. Lambs gamboled in the meadow.

9. Due to the rough conditions on fells, lambing losses can be as high as 25%.

10. Feed my lambs, feed my sheep.

11. We're obviously " Silence of the Lambs. "

12. 9 Lambs gamboled in the meadow.

13. Lambs are born with black fleece.

14. Ewes can have two crops of lambs per year with an average of 1.5 to 2.3 lambs per litter.

15. The first mating of ewe is 10~12 month and average lambing rate is 111 36 %.

16. So not only do we get the recipe for Thomas Keller's Lamb Saddle With Caramelized Fennel, we meet Keith Martin of Pennsylvania's Elysian Fields Farm, who "talks with his lambs on a regular basis.

17. The lambs were capering in the fields.

18. Lambs were skipping about in the fields.

19. Lambs were gambolling in the spring sunshine.

20. The lambs were kept in the stockade.

21. 1; noun Cosseted a lamb brought up without its dam; pet lamb

22. 20 Lambs frolicked in the next field.

23. One lamb chop .

24. Abraham set apart seven ewe lambs from the flock.

25. 7 The lambs were skipping about in the field.

26. 2 The lambs were skipping about in the fields.

27. Ron Bozman, Producer: The Silence of the Lambs

28. Lambs without a shepherd, shepherd without a flock.

29. The lost lamb bleated.

30. 1 Lambs were skipping about in the fields.

31. Mary Anne Lamb was an English writer, the sister and collaborator of Charles Lamb.

32. 7 There are many lambs capering in the meadow.

33. Dahlia: Lambs without a shepherd, shepherd without a flock.

34. Buying leg of lamb Butterflied …

35. Two lambs Clambering on their mother - she's ignoring them.

36. Lambs frisk and play , the shepherds pipe all day.

37. You never had lamb chops?

38. Uncle Lamb was an archaeologist.

39. There were 810 breeding ewes, ewe lambs, and rams on offer.

40. Butterflied herb roasted leg of lamb

41. The amnesiac, you finish the lamb.

42. Slice lamb into thin diagonal slices.

43. Cotswold lambs are very hardy once dried off after birth.

44. What is this lowing of cattle and wailing of lambs?

45. Attach the lambs to the walls of the Primary room.

46. Wolf and lamb reside together (6)

47. Marriage of the Lamb (7-9)

48. 32 “‘But if he offers a lamb as his sin offering, he should bring a sound female lamb.

49. "... the lambs and sloths and carp and anchovies and orangutans...

50. One sacrificial lamb has been offered.

51. A lamb was offered in sacrifice.

52. Little Mary was her ewe lamb.

53. Ben's asleep now, the little lamb.

54. The lambs are taken to the local abattoir to be slaughtered.

55. Corriedale lambs produce good quality carcasses and have a high pelt value.

56. What a quiet but lively scene. Lambs frisked about in the pastures.

57. Roast the lamb on a spit.

58. We saw a lamb being born.

59. Meat; steak, lamb chop, and chicken.

60. The lamb gave a faint bleat.

61. Look! I am sending you out as lambs in among wolves.

62. “Fleeing in stages allows lambs and weaker animals to keep up.

63. I produce lambs on the land immediately adjoining the power station.

64. The lambs lost a lot of money during the bear market.

65. He heard the bleat of a lamb.

66. Butterflied lamb leg is a lamb leg with the bone removed so it can be “Butterflied” to lie flat

67. * See also Lamb of God; Last Supper

68. True, lamb is not the norm here.

69. Wolves will rend a lamb to pieces.

70. May brings flocks of pretty lambs, skipping by their fleecy dams.

71. Then Abraham set seven ewe lambs of the flock by themselves.

72. Mostly, subclinical Coccidiosis reduces performance (growth and feed conversion) of lambs

73. In this trial, lambs provided insect control as effectively as insecticides.

74. 16 The lambs must be made off fat early in summer.

75. 'Silence of the Lambs' was pop film-making at its best.

76. Lamb chops were both nourishing and cheap.

77. Garlicky lamb Cutlets with Sicilian-style greens

78. We got veggie korma, lamb curry, samosas.

79. They sacrificed a lamb to the gods.

80. The 'b' in lamb is not pronounced.